To identify strengths, a lot of self-research has to be conducted. to reach out to the perfect level, self-discipline is very important from base building years (class 5 onwards is considered as base building years). if we catch hold of the student at this age glass he or she learns and develops the habits of studying. Success directly depends upon habits, that is the only reason, kids are sent to school. Schools help in learning discipline and developing habits.

All print media, tele-media, Internet (all available media) is full of hatred, rebellion attitude and aggression. Even the foot-tapping Punjabi music is full of negativity. There are positive songs, but rarest of all. You can check the media apps for the viewership and content available. This is evident from those apps, even the movies with the tag of 13 plus are not meant for kids. Derogatory messages are all around. So, if negative things are continuously being served, it is evident that proper career counselling is a must for every child.

Every parent has an expectation that their child should be successful and for this, they spend their hard-earned money to buy the best of the best education for their kids but we forget that giving moral education and moral values are equally important as these moral values help the child to understand the value of education. These days parents are too occupied with earning a better living and even they want someone to teach their kids.

They expect that their child should crack some big competitive exam and should rise in their career but only 1% or less can succeed. This is the reason why they all need career counselling/ planning so that their foundation is strong from class 5 onwards and then they can select the proper subjects in their 11th and 12 and graduate depending upon this strong foundation built over the years. They can crack any competitive exam.

the moral values that should be taught to a child are missing, for example in previous years kids used to watch cartoons and anime without dialogue and without aggression. They were more of comedy, but these days cartoons/anime broadcasted everywhere, is full of fighting and aggression.